

Enhance the Beauty of Calacatta Marble with These Easy Tips 2020-02-22

Calacatta marble — there is something so precious in these types of natural stone, so mysterious and adoring, that people keep choosing the stone over many other options. Gold Calacatta marble can make any space and project look elegant and luxurious. Can it even get any better? It can indeed! In today’s Xiamen Aofei Building Materials blog article our experts will walk you through the ways to maximize amazing effects of using  Calacatta and Gold Calacatta marble in your interior with design accessories and color palette tips.

Let It Snow

A classy to-go-to is an all-white style palette, you just can’t go wrong with it. White furniture and flooring perfectly complement the Calacatta marble kitchen countertops and backsplashes slabs.

Warming It Up

Another good way to enhance the original beauty of this marble is to pair gold Calacatta marble with cozy warm walls and wooden accents in flooring and cabinets.

Minimalism and Elegance

Calacatta marble itself is an amazing accent for modern minimalistic designs. Whole slab marble walls work really well in plain design with minimum accessories and still create a rich ambiance.

A similar effect can be achieved with Calacatta gold marble flooring. This kitchen with a fascinating forest view screams luxury and sophistication.

Want to find out even more about the latest trends in design and construction industries, granite, marble, and other types of natural stone? Visit our blog to find all you want to know about durable granite countertops, differences between natural and artificial marble, design tips and even more!

Ready to make your project perfect? Call us today! Our professionals are excited to help you make your project even better.

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